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lords of chaos造句

  • Linda is killed soon afterwards by the Lords of Chaos.
  • This series portrayed him as an agent of the Lords of Chaos.
  • A similar esoteric thesis is also put forward by Lords of Chaos ".
  • They managed to hold their own against the Lords of Chaos'creation called Kestrel.
  • They discovered the Lords of Chaos.
  • The Nelsons learn T'Giian, a Lord of Chaos, has possessed the helmet.
  • The Lords of Chaos attempt to capitalize on Amethyst's absence and threatens to overtake Gemworld.
  • With the help of Flaw and The Lords of Chaos, Mordru transforms himself into a powerful sorcerer.
  • A Lord of Order and a Lord of Chaos were also sent to the Dreaming as representatives of their realms.
  • Celsius was the only member left fighting against an evil Lord of Chaos, hand in hand with Power Girl.
  • It's difficult to see lords of chaos in a sentence. 用lords of chaos造句挺难的
  • Musicians from some key contemporary bands in the scene are interviewed, such as Lords of Chaos " book.
  • The Lords of Chaos give the Kid a guide, a minor Lord of Chaos called " Mr . Keeper ".
  • The Lords of Chaos give the Kid a guide, a minor Lord of Chaos called " Mr . Keeper ".
  • Several Riverdale High students attracted national notoriety as members of a self-styled teen militia called the Lords of Chaos.
  • Vikernes and the authors of " Lords of Chaos " claim that Euronymous's parents pressured him into shutting Helvete.
  • Hawk and Dove are lured to the mystical land of Druspa Tau  the home of the Lords of Chaos and Order  by Kestrel.
  • Occasionally, she has allied herself with the Lords of Chaos or the evil sorcerer Tannarak, whom she has also been romantically involved with.
  • Foster's appeal of his conviction in the original Lords of Chaos case was heard by the Florida Supreme Court and denied in 2000.
  • Author Robert Jordan will discuss his new book " Lord of Chaos " at 9 p . m . Thursday in the ( Globe ).
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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